Source code for sator.setrowbase

#!/usr/bin/env python
from itertools import permutations

import sator.utils as utils
from sator.const import MAX_OCTAVE

[docs]class SetRowBase(object): """Base class for PC/pitch sets and tone rows""" pitches = [] _mod = 12 _default_m = 5 _ordered = False _multiset = False #Overrides def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): modulus = kwargs.pop('mod', 12) self.mod(modulus) ordered = kwargs.pop('ordered', self._ordered) self.ordered(ordered) multiset = kwargs.pop('multiset', self._multiset) self.multiset(multiset) self[:] = [] results = [] for arg in args: results += self.__add__(arg, internal=True) # Limit the pitches to within max_octave octaves from 0 new_results = [] for result in results: new = abs(result) % (MAX_OCTAVE * self.mod()) if result < 0: new = new * -1 new_results.append(new) self.pitches = new_results if not self._multiset: self[:] = self._rm_dupes(self.pitches) def __add__(self, other, **kwargs): internal = kwargs.get('internal', False) ps = other if isinstance(other, SetRowBase): ps = other.pitches[:] if isinstance(other, (int, long)): ps = [other] if isinstance(other, (tuple, list)): ps = list(other) if isinstance(other, set): ps = [int(num) for num in other] ps = self.pitches + ps if not self._multiset: ps = self._rm_dupes(ps) # If initializing, returning an instance creates infinite recursion ps = self.copy(ps) if not internal else ps return ps def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def __eq__(self, other): """Compare equality between a ToneRow/PSet/PCSet and another object""" try: that = other.copy() except AttributeError: try: that = other[:] except TypeError: that = [other] #Are we comparing pitches as ordered lists or set membership? if not self._ordered and isinstance(other, (tuple, list)): that = set(that) #Is the other a PSet/PCSet or builtin ? if isinstance(that, SetRowBase): return self.ppc == that.ppc if isinstance(that, (tuple, list)): return self.ppc == list(that) if isinstance(that, set): return set(self.ppc) == that else: return NotImplemented return False def __ne__(self, other): result = self.__eq__(other) if result is NotImplemented: return result return not result def __getitem__(self, key): try: l = [] l.extend(self.ppc[key]) return self.copy(l) except TypeError: l = [self.ppc[key]] return self.copy(l) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if isinstance(value, (int, long)): new = abs(value) % (MAX_OCTAVE * self.mod()) if value < 0: new = new * -1 value = new self.pitches[key] = value def __iter__(self): for p in self.ppc: yield p def __len__(self): return len(self.ppc) def __repr__(self): return str(self.ppc) def __copy__(self): return copy(self)
[docs] def copy(self, pitches=None, **kwargs): """Use to copy a ToneRow/PSet/PCSet with all data attributes.""" if pitches is None: pitches = self.pitches new_kwargs = { 'mod': self._mod, 'ordered': self._ordered, 'multiset': self._multiset, } new_kwargs.update(kwargs or {}) new = self.__class__(pitches, **new_kwargs) if hasattr(new, 'canon'):, self._canon_i, self._canon_m) new._default_m = self._default_m return new
class InvalidModulus(Exception): pass
[docs] def mod(self, new_mod=None): """ Takes one argument as the new modulus of the system. Without an argument, returns the current modulus. """ if new_mod is not None: if new_mod > 0 and new_mod < 32: self._mod = new_mod else: raise self.InvalidModulus('The modulus must be > 0 and < 32') else: return self._mod
[docs] def default_m(self, new_m=None): """ Takes one argument as the new default argument for M operations. (The default for Mod 12 is 5) Without an argument, returns the current default m. """ if new_m: self._default_m = new_m else: return self._default_m
[docs] def multiset(self, value=None): """ Takes one boolean argument and determines if the object is a multiset. (The default for all objects is False. ToneRows cannot be multisets) Without an argument, returns the current setting. """ if value is not None: self._multiset = True if value else False else: return self._multiset
[docs] def ordered(self, value=None): """ Takes one boolean argument and determines if the object is ordered. (The default for PCSets is False. The default for PSets is True.) Without an argument, returns the current setting. """ if value is not None: self._ordered = True if value else False else: return self._ordered
[docs] def pcs(self): """Returns the pitch classes of the current set/row""" return [pitch % self._mod for pitch in self.pitches]
@property def _pc_set(self): """Returns pitch classes as a Python set for internal use""" return set(self.pcs) @property def _pitch_set(self): """Returns pitches as a Python set for internal use""" return set(self.pitches) @property
[docs] def uo_pcs(self): """Returns unordered pitch classes in ascending order""" return sorted(self.pcs[:])
@property def _unique_pcs(self): """ Returns the unique, unordered pitch classes in ascending order. These are guarnteed to be unique regardless of rather or not the object is a multiset. """ return sorted(list(self._pc_set)) @property
[docs] def uo_pitches(self): """Returns the unordered pitches in ascending order""" return sorted(self.pitches[:])
[docs] def ppc(self): """ Returns the pitches or pcs of a ToneRow, PCSet, or PSet taking into account the ordered and multiset settings. """ #Ordered? if self._ordered: pitches = self.pitches pcs = self.pcs else: pitches = self.uo_pitches pcs = self.uo_pcs #PC/Pitch Set? if getattr(self, 'pitchset', False): ppc = pitches else: ppc = pcs #Multiset? if not self._multiset: ppc = self._rm_dupes(ppc) return ppc
def _rm_dupes(self, ps): """Remove all duplicates of a given pitch or pitch class from a list""" new = [] [new.insert(ps.index(num), num) for num in ps[:] if num not in new] return new
[docs] def each_n(self): """ Yields a number for each possible member in the object considering its modulus. (An object with a modulus of 12 would return [0, 1, 2...11]) """ return self.each_n_in_mod(self._mod)
[docs] def each_n_in_mod(cls, mod): """ Same as the instance method but takes one positional arg as the modulus """ for num in xrange(0, mod): yield num
[docs] def each_tto(self): """ Yields an (n, m) pair for each TTO that can be performed on the given object """ for m in [1, -1, self._default_m, self._mod - self._default_m]: for n in self.each_n(): yield (n, m)
[docs] def each_permutation(self): """ A generator that yields ordered objects that represent each permutation of the given object. """ for each in permutations(self[:]): yield self.copy(each, ordered=True)
def _transpose(self, sub_n=0): return self.copy(utils.transpose(self.pitches, sub_n)) def _invert(self, sub_n=0): return self.copy(utils.invert(self.pitches, sub_n)) def _transpose_multiply(self, sub_n=0, sub_m=0): if not sub_m: sub_m = self._default_m result = [pc % self._mod for pc in \ utils.transpose_multiply(self.pcs, sub_n, sub_m)] return self.copy(result)
[docs] def t(self, sub_n): """Transpose the object in place by the argument provided.""" self[:] = (self._transpose(sub_n)).pitches
[docs] def i(self, sub_n=0): """ Invert the object in place. If an argument is provided, also transpose the object in place by that amount. """ self[:] = (self._invert(sub_n)).pitches
[docs] def t_rotations(self): """ Returns a list of objects for each possible transposition of the given object. """ return [self.copy(rot) for rot in [self._transpose(n) \ for n in self.each_n()]]
[docs] def i_rotations(self): """ Returns a list of objects for each possible transposition of the given object after inversion. """ return [self.copy(rot) for rot in [self._invert(n) \ for n in self.each_n()]]
[docs] def m_rotations(self): """ Returns a list of objects for each possible transposition of the given object after M. """ return [self.copy(rot) for rot in [self._transpose_multiply(n) \ for n in self.each_n()]]
[docs] def mi_rotations(self): """ Returns a list of objects for each possible transposition of the given object after MI. """ return [self.copy(rot) for rot in [self._transpose_multiply(n, self._default_m * -1) \ for n in self.each_n()]]
[docs] def all_rotations(self): """ Return a flat list of objects for each possible TTO of the given object """ return [self._transpose_multiply(n, m) for n, m in self.each_tto()]
[docs]class PCBase(object): """Base class for Tone rows and PC sets"""
[docs] def m(self, sub_n=0): """ Perform M on the object in place. If an argument is provided, also transpose the object in place by that amount. """ self[:] = (self._transpose_multiply(sub_n, self._default_m)).pitches
[docs] def mi(self, sub_n=0): """ Perform M and I on the object in place. If an argument is provided, also transpose the object in play by that amount. """ sub_m = self._mod - self._default_m self[:] = (self._transpose_multiply(sub_n, sub_m)).pitches
[docs] def t_m(self, sub_n, sub_m): """ Perform TnMm on the object in place, where n and m are positional arguments. If n is not provided, it defaults to 0. If m is not provided it defaults to the default_m of the object. """ self[:] = (self._transpose_multiply(sub_n, sub_m)).pitches

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