Tone Rows

Tone rows can be thought of as a very restrictive type of ordered pitch class collection in which all possible elements are present. As a result, there are many methods for sets that are meaningless, and therefore withheld from the ToneRow class, such as .ordered() and the methods for adding/removing pitch classes.

Inherited Methods and Methods with Different Meanings

The following are some methods which ToneRow objects inherit from a parent class common to sets (SetRowBase), but are in no way meaningful to tone rows: * pitches, pcs, uo_pitches, uo_pcs - Tone rows are always ordered pitch class collections, so these methods are irrelavent to the API and only exist for consistency internally. * multiset, ordered - These are overridden in ToneRow to do nothing

The following are some methods that have a different meaning or use with ToneRow objects: * Wheras the x_rotations (where x is t, i, m, or mi) methods are thought of as rotations when used with sets, here they constitue the T, I, M, and MI matrices * default_m - The prime form is not meaningful in tone rows (they are always the aggregate) but the default_m is used to determine the m used by the M and MI matrices, as well as any TTO operations containing M/MI on the row.

ToneRow Methods

The following are methods that are unique to ToneRow objects:

  • swap(a, b) - Given indices a and b, swap the PC’s in the tone row that are in these positions.
  • P - Prime form of the row
  • I - Inversion of the row
  • R - Retrograde of the row
  • RI - Retrograde inversion of the row
  • M - Mm of the row (m is supplied by default_m)
  • MI - MmI of the row
  • RM - Retrograde of the Mm of the row
  • RMI - Retrograde of the MmI of the row

Project Versions

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